It's the happiest lou yee sang session so far, coz it was with my relatives on mom's side.
I am much closer to them than to those on dad's side.
Outfit for CNY day 2 :
Went to Grandma's place @ Jinjang for a lavish and very filling traditional hakka breakfast.
Went back home around 12 to nap for a while, we were just so so so tired. Damn why people feel tired easily during Chinese New Year I don't get it.
So the gathering with relatives on mom's side took place in my house, one by one they arrived.
Took lots of pictures, you know why?
Coz 2 of my cousins have iPhone 4S!!!
Kar Kiat :
Mei Mei :
Tutu :
She's the cousin I love the most.
She's gonna go to Australia for her twinning program very soon, on 18th Feb, 2012.
(T_T)The boy in the photo below is Aik Aik (or Egg), and he's a mix :
Got bored very fast, so I went into my room and downloaded HK drama 换乐无穷,so those sampat cousins came in and I opened the Webcam and guess what?
Pikchar time!!! (again~)
Mei Mei and her friends pose very formally when taking pictures, that's what I've learnt from stalking her FB profile and the below facial expression of hers is most likely the MOST OVER-POSED one lol :
Okie dokie, time for dinner!
Those adults managed to make 5th aunt (Tutu's & Cou Sui Sui's mom) to treat us to dinner LOL.
What to do? Of all the relatives she's the richest one!
OMG no photo of the yee sang x5......
Never mind, not a very tasty or special one, just normal.
Time to take picture again!
Cao Sui Sui acting gay and caught everyone's attention :
Well, actually we didn't want to take any photo after eating but Tutu wanted to have a picture like this :
So this was actually the first photo taken, and then the rest just followed. Taking photos is quite an addictive activity; once you've started, you won't stop forthwith, after taking the first photo.
Usually when dining with relatives on mom's side, we divide the group into tables according to age groups. Hence you'll see younger ones sitting together and those considered "OLD" (LOL) will have another table.
Photo of members of the another table :
One last photo before we went off :
Will miss you much pon!
Bon Voyage. Y(^_^)Y
Bon Voyage. Y(^_^)Y
Until then,
♥ CC.