Sunday, 19 February 2012

"I am sorry"... a magic word, if and only if expressed wholeheartedly.

Have you ever been into a situation whereby somebody provoked, irritated or annoyed you unintentionally, well, or maybe purposely, but in a sudden spell of emotion, that have really infuriated you?

I experienced this today. My lil sis made empty promised, woke up early today to wake her up, but she didn't want to go, she looked as if she was weeping and gave me all sorts of rubbish excuses.
After a few minutes of argument I got so enraged, speaking in an angry tone, asked her how can she make empty promises. I pivoted my torso, drove off.

Came home around noon, and she was waiting for me, welcomed me with some sort of biscuit tuna sandwich she made yet I didn't respond to her kind and warm welcome.

Went upstairs and slightly halted at the turning of the staircase where the whiteboard for us to write down daily activities is placed. This is what I saw:

Take a closer look at what she is trying to tell me:

This is definitely a very sincere apology.
This real small effort may seem to be amounting to nothing to others, but this kind of small acts do touch my heart.
She was so worried that I didn't see it and tried to hint me for several times, how did I know?

See this:
She added " died ><" " but I don't have the faintest clue who wrote "died cannot solve problem tut...".
Should be my mom?
She used to call us tut HAHA~

Hey hey hey...
I saw, just that I couldn't expressed it.
Though things are left unsaid, but I think, this is a beautiful mistake.
*wink wink*

I shall let this piece of memory reside here, and in the deepest corner of my heart.
Till present, the sweetest apology.

Thank you ah Bii.
Apology accepted.

(peace peace~~)

Until then,
♥ CC.

Thursday, 9 February 2012

The White Heart...


Here's the source:
Try this!
It can be a small part of your Valentine's day present to your another half, don't you think so?

Until then,
♥ CC.